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A Unitarian Universalist Community Meant for You
The Longmont Unitarian Universalist Presence (The LUUP) provides opportunities in Longmont, CO, that are both spiritual in nature and rooted in works of justice. We live out our principle of interdependence and bring Unitarian Universalist values into the world. The LUUP is a Covenanting Community of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
The Longmont Unitarian Universalist Presence is building an innovative, multicultural, and multigenerational spiritual community. We are committed to intentionally creating opportunities that are engaging and collaborative. If this sounds like something you would like to be a part of, visit us! Find out more about us.
The LUUP Friday Gatherings
2nd & 4th Fridays • Food, Fellowship & Fun

Longmont UCC Church
1500 9th Ave., 5:30-7:00 pm
The LUUP Gatherings happen every 2nd and 4th Friday. Our time of meaning-making and social connection begins at 5:30. We have a free catered supper, reflections, music, and all-ages activities, with spaces for quiet social time or free play. We end at 7:00 pm. Come for the whole evening or just join us at suppertime - just come – no need to sign up!
Our suppers are part of our program, not a potluck. We try to offer dietary options, but if you have special needs you may wish to bring your own. These evenings are for all ages and welcoming to persons vulnerable to COVID. We ask all to wear masks during the service and for activities indoors including the buffet line. Supper, inside or out, will be unmasked so plan according to your needs.
Good Things at The LUUP
Open to life's gifts and something greater than ourselves.​
Find a place to connect and grow through friendship, spirituality, and learning groups.​
​Co-create a world that is peaceful, compassionate, and just.
Cultivate a life of fulfillment, harmony, and openness.
Come and join us!